Dutch painter and production designer


New work

Remodel, 180x240
Ancora Rain II, 120x180


These paintings are full of energy: from the center emerges renewed vibrancy that shows my different state of mind compared to when making the Serra d'Arga series.

Serra d'Arga series

I am in the middle of two worlds: the one in my head and the real one. The separating line is a chaotic mess and I am being confronted with my personal limitations. The contours of the mountains of the Serra de Arga, the changing light and the sharp line between mountain and sky are a metaphor for the ban on my freedom.

90 cm x 120 cm

new small work on paper

40 cm x 50 cm

Lage, 40 x 50 with passepartout

About me

I was a ceramist, at first, but soon focused solely on painting. I was impressed by Rothko and Tàpies. I bought canvases and paint to which I added iron and cobalt oxides for a color and silver sand to get additional structure. My first work was a journey into materials and how I could use paint, brush and tools like spatulas, sponges and zinc plates.

Primary colours

Once I had mastered the technique, I focused on the composition of my abstract work. For me that were primary colors against a blue background. These paintings were balanced, sometimes illustrative and often they had the shape of a house or tent. Apparently, I felt the need for a safe heaven.

After the storm

When my intimate life turned chaotic and dramatic my work was tumultuous and intense. Painting was a physical effort: with large brushes I swept thick strokes of paint onto the canvas in one go. I had mastered the techniques of composition, structure and color and was therefore able to work more freely.


Better times ahead. I started looking for a house in Northern Portugal. The colors and light of the Portuguese land clearly influenced my large paintings. I thought it was cheerful and powerful work. Almost naive.

Recent work

It turned out that restrictions imposed on our daily lives following the Covid-19 pandemic affected me more than I could imagine. Not being able to go where I wanted to turned out to be a source of inspiration.


Exhibition recent work of Marco Rooth in Ap'arte Gallery in Porto, October 2022

Galos e galinhas

Galos e galinhas sul papel
Galos e galinhas sul papel, 40 x 50